Tuesday, November 10, 2009

la la la

Raise your hand if you enjoyed Taylor Swift's Monologue Song!

I did.

Ps.... Still hating blogging.....
frustrated with photography....
don't know what I want to be when I grow up.....
Not enough time to read anymore......
First Christmas married comes with lots extra expenses:[
including ornaments and decorations [i do like shopping for those]
still not licensed in insurance even though I started the videos 2 months ago....
considering going brown for winter.... but I kinda like the Jennifer Nettles look
[I've been told I'm her celebrity look alike... HAH.]


marry said...

I've so been there before!!!!!

love you


beckaboots said...

Christmas is so stressful sometimes. It's like...ughhh I have all these bills too...? Yeah and I forgot to save up...? It's rough but the Christmas lights and the songs and spirit will INFECT YOOOOUUUU. and then it will be so fun.
I know how you feel about the photography and where to go with life and everything. It's confusing but I know you'll figure it out. You're so talented :)

Chaz said...

Haha I am totally understanding Christmas being way more expensive! I'm thinking $10 tree from Wal-mart this year because Joseph will be in Connecticut anyway! It will be pink if I want it to!! Don't worry about life so much!! I have a few more years on you and just decided that I want to be one of the people on the history channel that no one ever watches but me! (Hey, I can dream!)Everything will work out just fine! PS You are so talented!!

Liz said...

WE bought our tree off craigslist for cheap, bought one set of ornaments on clearance the year before (and the other are from our childhood), and sewed the tree skirt for cheaper. I was smart and waited to buy adorable stockings from Michaels after Christmas. Just don't get too excited and go overboard with presents--that's what'll getcha. :)