Monday, March 29, 2010


Little blessings have been popping up all over the place for us lately.

I become more and more grateful everyday.

1. We sold our house. Signed the papers this afternoon and are released from the loan tomorrow.

2. The buyers offered to rent to us for two months so we wont feel so stressed to pack and run.

3. I have been given a couple options for jobs this summer which means rather than being desperate an willing to work anywhere for any price, I get to be picky and choose what I want!

4. After a year and a half, my in-laws finally got the house that they've had their sights set on from the beginning!

I'm so grateful for everything that's happening. So many blessings.


Inside A Book said...

You ARE blessed. Even better, you can recognize the blessings and are counting them!! I hope you find lots more around the next corner!
Love ya!

Liz said...

Nice! What are your job choices? I laugh because you are working hard to get out of your loan and we were working hard to get in a loan today!