Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reward Systems

I found this awesome website
with some pretty gorgeous modest dresses.

It's pretty legit and I really want a dress or two... or three...

As a matter of fact these three would be fantastic.

I really want them really badly.

BUT I have to lose weight first.

So here is my reward to myself.

My first goal is to lose 10 lbs by March 6th.

WHEN I accomplish my goal, I will allow myself to invest in one dress.

Then I will continue to lose more weight to become the healthy person I know I can be.

When I reach that set goal, I will reward myself with a second dress and so on and so forth.

I am super excited and hope that I lose weight quick so I can get to the awesome rewards already!


Inside A Book said...

Great idea and motivation!! It works for me. Now, what do I want when you lose weight???

beckaboots said...

Good luck! I have to wait until after baby to jump on the workout wagon but I'm so slim and 6xn it up when that baby is here. :)

Sara SHOEmaker said...

love these dresses!!!!!!